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среда, 9 апреля 2014 г.

Ссылки, собраные в процессе работы по теме "Проксифаеры"

Проксифаекры - термин из Tor, но здесь не только ссылки на Tor, но и мои искания других вариантов для анонимизации... например "Anonymous Web Scraping"
Tsocks - в статье приведены примеры работы с проксифаерами tsocks и proxychains
This will make the telnet program use the http proxy specified earlier. Simple and effective.
It should be clearly understood that tsocks or proxychains are not proxy servers, they are just proxifying tools that can make non proxy aware programs to communicate via proxies.
А здесь две первых статьи из тех пяти, которые я решил сделать основными
Achieving Anonymity with Tor Part 1
Achieving Anonymity with Tor Part 2: Proxies and DNS servers
В части второй, в частности, написано, что сервер polipo лучше, чем privoxy. Полипо маленький и не требует установки..., а про privoxy захотелось почитать...
Оказалось, что уже давно вообще не надо сервера, а если уж ставить, то privoxy...
I need an HTTP proxy. Where did Polipo go?
4.10. How do I use Privoxy together with Tor?
Все с точностью до "наоборот", вот фрагмент:
I need an HTTP proxy. Where did Polipo go?
In the past, Tor bundles included an HTTP proxy like Privoxy or Polipo, solely to work around a bug in Firefox that was finally fixed in Firefox 6. Now you don't need a separate HTTP proxy to use Tor, and in fact leaving it out makes you safer because Torbutton has better control over Firefox's interaction with websites.
If you are trying to use some external application with Tor, step zero should be to reread the set of warnings for ways you can screw up. Step one should be to try to use a Socks proxy rather than an http proxy — Tor runs a Socks proxy on port 9050 on Windows, or see above for OSX and Linux.
If that fails, feel free to install privoxy. However, please realize that this approach is not recommended for novice users. Privoxy has an example configuration of Tor and Privoxy.

What should I do if I can't set a proxy with my application?

On Unix, we recommend you give torsocks a try. Alternative proxifying tools like socat and proxychains are also available.

Pluggable Transports

For now, the Pluggable Transports-capable TBB is still a separate unofficial package. Download them here. We hope to have combined packages available in a beta soon.
The separate Pluggable Transports-capable TBB is different from the Pluggable Transports bundles that have been released in the past. They include the programs necessary to use obfsproxy and flash proxy, but the pluggable transports are not enabled by default. You must enable them manually by adding Bridge lines to the torrc file. (Please see ticket #10418 for how we hope to make it easier to do in the future.)

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