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воскресенье, 13 апреля 2014 г.

Курс в Корнельском университете "Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning about a Highly Connected World

Курс D. Easley and J. Kleinberg. Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning about a Highly Connected World. Cambridge University Press, 2010. Draft version: June 10, 2010.
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This book grew out of a course that we developed at Cornell, designed to introduce this topic and its underlying ideas to a broad student audience at an introductory level.
The central concepts are fundamental and accessible ones, but they are dispersed across the research literatures of the many di erent elds contributing to the topic.
The principal goal of this book is therefore to bring the essential ideas together in a single uni ed treatment, and to present them in a way that requires as little background knowledge as possible.
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The 1rst chapter of the book provides a detailed description of the topics and issues that we cover. Here we give a briefer summary of the main focus areas.
The book is organized into seven parts of three to four chapters each.

Parts I and II
discuss the two main theories that underpin our investigations of networks and behavior:
graph theory, which studies network structure, and
game theory, which formulates models of behavior in environments where people's decisions a ect each other's outcomes.

Part III
integrates these lines of thought into an analysis of the network structure of markets, and the notion of power in such networks
Part IV
pursues a different integration, discussing the World Wide Web as an information network, the problem of Web search, and the development of the markets that currently lie at the heart of the search industry.
Parts V and VI
study the dynamics of some of the fundamental processes that take place within networks and groups, including the ways in which people are in uenced by the decisions of others.
Part V
pursues this topic at an aggregate scale, where we model interactions between an individual and the population as a whole.
Part VI
continues the analysis at the more ne-grained level of network structure, beginning with the question of in uence and moving on to the dynamics of search processes and epidemics.
Finally, Part VII
considers how we can interpret fundamental social institutions | including markets, voting systems, and property rights | as mechanisms for productively shaping some of the phenomena we've been studying.

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