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четверг, 5 февраля 2015 г.

Документация к Xpdf (pdffonts.txt pdfinfo.txt и все остальные)

В своих изыскания философского камня для конвертации pdf я сначала нашел xpdf, потом Poppler, потом pdf2htmlEX. В последней используется Poppler, сам Poppler is a PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base...
И все конвертеры в html решают задачи позициирования блоков b сохранения замены\шрифтов, дабы сконвертированная страничка выглядела прилично. И мне оно надо? Нет!
Мне нужно парсить страничку, а не публиковать. Так что изучать надо pdftotext. Потому здесь я распечатал еще pdftotext.txt xpdfrc.txt - это справка по конфигурационному файлу, ... и даже xpdf.txt (xpdf не поддерживается в Windows)

In [7]:
!chcp 65001
!dir "C:\Program Files\Xpdf\doc"
Active code page: 65001
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 6017-2A0B

 Directory of C:\Program Files\Xpdf\doc

03.02.2015  17:39    <DIR>          .
03.02.2015  17:39    <DIR>          ..
28.05.2014  21:50             3В 406 pdfdetach.txt
28.05.2014  21:50             4В 011 pdffonts.txt
28.05.2014  21:50             3В 044 pdfimages.txt
28.05.2014  21:50             3В 973 pdfinfo.txt
28.05.2014  21:50             2В 878 pdftohtml.txt
28.05.2014  21:50             3В 316 pdftopng.txt
28.05.2014  21:50             3В 405 pdftoppm.txt
28.05.2014  21:50             8В 766 pdftops.txt
28.05.2014  21:50             5В 604 pdftotext.txt
28.05.2014  21:50             3В 596 sample-xpdfrc
28.05.2014  21:50            27В 951 xpdf.txt
28.05.2014  21:50            31В 859 xpdfrc.txt
              12 File(s)        101В 809 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  385В 907В 101В 696 bytes free

In []:
In []:
C:\Program Files\Xpdf\bin64>pdffonts AEBru_2014_4.pdf
Config Error: No display font for 'Symbol'
Config Error: No display font for 'ZapfDingbats'
name                                 type              emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- --- --- --- ---------
Times New Roman                      TrueType          no  no  no       5  0
Arial,Bold                           TrueType          no  no  no       7  0
Arial                                TrueType          no  no  no      11  0
Times New Roman                      CID TrueType      yes no  yes     21  0
Times New Roman,Bold                 TrueType          no  no  no      26  0
Times New Roman,Bold                 CID TrueType      yes no  yes     28  0
Times New Roman,BoldItalic           CID TrueType      yes no  yes     33  0
Times New Roman,BoldItalic           TrueType          no  no  no      38  0
Times New Roman,Italic               CID TrueType      yes no  yes     42  0
Times New Roman,Italic               TrueType          no  no  no      47  0
ABCDEE+Tahoma,Bold                   TrueType          yes yes no      51  0
In [2]:
%load "C:\\Program Files\\Xpdf\\doc\\pdffonts.txt"
In []:
pdffonts(1)                                                        pdffonts(1)

       pdffonts - Portable Document Format (PDF) font analyzer (version 3.04)

       pdffonts [options] [PDF-file]

       Pdffonts  lists the fonts used in a Portable Document Format (PDF) file
       along with various information for each font.

       The following information is listed for each font:

       name   the font name, exactly as given in  the  PDF  file  (potentially
              including a subset prefix)

       type   the font type -- see below for details

       emb    "yes" if the font is embedded in the PDF file

       sub    "yes" if the font is a subset

       uni    "yes"  if  there  is an explicit "ToUnicode" map in the PDF file
              (the absence of a ToUnicode map doesn't  necessarily  mean  that
              the text can't be converted to Unicode)

       object ID
              the font dictionary object ID (number and generation)

              the font location (see the -loc and -locPS options).

       PDF files can contain the following types of fonts:

              Type 1
              Type 1C -- aka Compact Font Format (CFF)
              Type 1C (OT) -- OpenType with 8-bit CFF data
              Type 3
              TrueType (OT) -- OpenType with 8-bit TrueType data
              CID Type 0 -- 16-bit font with no specified type
              CID Type 0C -- 16-bit PostScript CFF font
              CID Type 0C (OT) -- OpenType with CID CFF data
              CID TrueType -- 16-bit TrueType font
              CID TrueType (OT) -- OpenType with CID TrueType data

       Pdffonts reads a configuration file at startup.  It first tries to find
       the user's private config file, ~/.xpdfrc.  If that doesn't  exist,  it
       looks  for  a  system-wide config file, typically /usr/local/etc/xpdfrc
       (but this location can be changed when pdffonts  is  built).   See  the
       xpdfrc(5) man page for details.

       Many  of  the following options can be set with configuration file com-
       mands.  These are listed in square brackets with the description of the
       corresponding command line option.

       -f number
              Specifies the first page to analyze.

       -loc   Shows  additional  information  on the location of the font that
              will be used  when  the  PDF  file  is  rasterized  (with  xpdf,
              pdftoppm, etc.).

       -locPS Shows  additional  information  on the location of the font that
              will be used when the PDF file is converted to PostScript  (with

       -l number
              Specifies the last page to analyze.

       -opw password
              Specify  the  owner  password  for the PDF file.  Providing this
              will bypass all security restrictions.

       -upw password
              Specify the user password for the PDF file.

       -cfg config-file
              Read config-file in place of ~/.xpdfrc or the system-wide config

       -v     Print copyright and version information.

       -h     Print usage information.  (-help and --help are equivalent.)

       The Xpdf tools use the following exit codes:

       0      No error.

       1      Error opening a PDF file.

       2      Error opening an output file.

       3      Error related to PDF permissions.

       99     Other error.

       The pdffonts software and documentation are copyright 1996-2014 Glyph &
       Cog, LLC.

       xpdf(1), pdftops(1),  pdftotext(1),  pdftohtml(1),  pdfinfo(1),  pdfde-
       tach(1), pdftoppm(1), pdftopng(1), pdfimages(1), xpdfrc(5)

                                  28 May 2014                      pdffonts(1)
In []:
C:\Program Files\Xpdf\bin64>pdfinfo AEBru_2014_4.pdf
Author:         User
Creator:        Microsoft┬о Word 2010
Producer:       Microsoft┬о Word 2010
CreationDate:   05/15/13 14:35:50
ModDate:        05/15/13 14:35:50
Tagged:         yes
Form:           none
Pages:          5
Encrypted:      no
Page size:      595.32 x 841.92 pts (A4) (rotated 0 degrees)
File size:      464648 bytes
Optimized:      no
PDF version:    1.5
In [3]:
%load "C:\\Program Files\\Xpdf\\doc\\pdfinfo.txt"
In []:
pdfinfo(1)                                                          pdfinfo(1)

       pdfinfo - Portable Document Format (PDF) document information extractor
       (version 3.04)

       pdfinfo [options] [PDF-file]

       Pdfinfo prints the contents of the 'Info' dictionary (plus  some  other
       useful information) from a Portable Document Format (PDF) file.

       The 'Info' dictionary contains the following values:

              creation date
              modification date

       In addition, the following information is printed:

              tagged (yes/no)
              form (AcroForm / XFA / none)
              page count
              encrypted flag (yes/no)
              print and copy permissions (if encrypted)
              page size and rotation
              file size
              linearized (yes/no)
              PDF version
              metadata (only if requested)

       Pdfinfo  reads a configuration file at startup.  It first tries to find
       the user's private config file, ~/.xpdfrc.  If that doesn't  exist,  it
       looks  for  a  system-wide config file, typically /usr/local/etc/xpdfrc
       (but this location can be changed when  pdfinfo  is  built).   See  the
       xpdfrc(5) man page for details.

       Many  of  the following options can be set with configuration file com-
       mands.  These are listed in square brackets with the description of the
       corresponding command line option.

       -f number
              Specifies  the  first  page  to  examine.  If multiple pages are
              requested using the "-f" and "-l"  options,  the  size  of  each
              requested  page  (and,  optionally,  the bounding boxes for each
              requested page) are printed.  Otherwise, only page one is  exam-

       -l number
              Specifies the last page to examine.

       -box   Prints the page box bounding boxes: MediaBox, CropBox, BleedBox,
              TrimBox, and ArtBox.

       -meta  Prints document-level metadata.  (This is the "Metadata"  stream
              from the PDF file's Catalog object.)

              Prints  the  raw (undecoded) date strings, directly from the PDF

       -enc encoding-name
              Sets the encoding to use for  text  output.   The  encoding-name
              must  be  defined  with  the unicodeMap command (see xpdfrc(5)).
              This defaults to "Latin1" (which is a built-in encoding).  [con-
              fig file: textEncoding]

       -opw password
              Specify  the  owner  password  for the PDF file.  Providing this
              will bypass all security restrictions.

       -upw password
              Specify the user password for the PDF file.

       -cfg config-file
              Read config-file in place of ~/.xpdfrc or the system-wide config

       -v     Print copyright and version information.

       -h     Print usage information.  (-help and --help are equivalent.)

       The Xpdf tools use the following exit codes:

       0      No error.

       1      Error opening a PDF file.

       2      Error opening an output file.

       3      Error related to PDF permissions.

       99     Other error.

       The  pdfinfo software and documentation are copyright 1996-2014 Glyph &
       Cog, LLC.

       xpdf(1), pdftops(1), pdftotext(1),  pdftohtml(1),  pdffonts(1),  pdfde-
       tach(1), pdftoppm(1), pdftopng(1), pdfimages(1), xpdfrc(5)

                                  28 May 2014                       pdfinfo(1)
In [8]:
%load "C:\\Program Files\\Xpdf\\doc\\pdftotext.txt"
In []:
pdftotext(1)                                                      pdftotext(1)

       pdftotext  -  Portable Document Format (PDF) to text converter (version

       pdftotext [options] [PDF-file [text-file]]

       Pdftotext converts Portable Document Format (PDF) files to plain text.

       Pdftotext reads the PDF file, PDF-file, and writes a text  file,  text-
       file.   If  text-file  is not specified, pdftotext converts file.pdf to
       file.txt.  If text-file is '-', the text is sent to stdout.

       Pdftotext reads a configuration file at startup.   It  first  tries  to
       find the user's private config file, ~/.xpdfrc.  If that doesn't exist,
       it looks for a system-wide config file, typically /usr/local/etc/xpdfrc
       (but  this  location  can be changed when pdftotext is built).  See the
       xpdfrc(5) man page for details.

       Many of the following options can be set with configuration  file  com-
       mands.  These are listed in square brackets with the description of the
       corresponding command line option.

       -f number
              Specifies the first page to convert.

       -l number
              Specifies the last page to convert.

              Maintain (as best as possible) the original physical  layout  of
              the  text.   The  default is to 'undo' physical layout (columns,
              hyphenation, etc.) and output the text in reading order.  If the
              -fixed  option is given, character spacing within each line will
              be determined by the specified character pitch.

       -table Table mode is similar to physical layout mode, but optimized for
              tabular  data, with the goal of keeping rows and columns aligned
              (at the expense of inserting extra whitespace).  If  the  -fixed
              option  is  given,  character  spacing  within each line will be
              determined by the specified character pitch.

              Line  printer  mode  uses  a  strict  fixed-character-pitch  and
              -height  layout.   That  is, the page is broken into a grid, and
              characters are placed into that grid.  If the  grid  spacing  is
              too  small for the actual characters, the result is extra white-
              space.  If the grid spacing is too large, the result is  missing
              whitespace.   The grid spacing can be specified using the -fixed
              and -linespacing options.  If one or both are not given  on  the
              command  line,  pdftotext  will  attempt  to compute appropriate

       -raw   Keep the text in content stream order.  Depending on how the PDF
              file was generated, this may or may not be useful.

       -fixed number
              Specify  the  character  pitch (character width), in points, for
              physical layout, table, or line printer mode.  This  is  ignored
              in all other modes.

       -linespacing number
              Specify  the  line  spacing,  in  points, for line printer mode.
              This is ignored in all other modes.

       -clip  Text which is hidden because of clipping is removed before doing
              layout,  and then added back in.  This can be helpful for tables
              where clipped (invisible) text would overlap the next column.

       -enc encoding-name
              Sets the encoding to use for  text  output.   The  encoding-name
              must  be  defined  with  the unicodeMap command (see xpdfrc(5)).
              The encoding name is case-sensitive.  This defaults to  "Latin1"
              (which is a built-in encoding).  [config file: textEncoding]

       -eol unix | dos | mac
              Sets the end-of-line convention to use for text output.  [config
              file: textEOL]

              Don't insert page breaks (form feed characters)  between  pages.
              [config file: textPageBreaks]

       -opw password
              Specify  the  owner  password  for the PDF file.  Providing this
              will bypass all security restrictions.

       -upw password
              Specify the user password for the PDF file.

       -q     Don't print any messages or errors.  [config file: errQuiet]

       -cfg config-file
              Read config-file in place of ~/.xpdfrc or the system-wide config

       -v     Print copyright and version information.

       -h     Print usage information.  (-help and --help are equivalent.)

       Some  PDF  files contain fonts whose encodings have been mangled beyond
       recognition.  There is no way (short of OCR) to extract text from these

       The Xpdf tools use the following exit codes:

       0      No error.

       1      Error opening a PDF file.

       2      Error opening an output file.

       3      Error related to PDF permissions.

       99     Other error.

       The  pdftotext software and documentation are copyright 1996-2014 Glyph
       & Cog, LLC.

       xpdf(1),  pdftops(1),  pdftohtml(1),  pdfinfo(1),  pdffonts(1),  pdfde-
       tach(1), pdftoppm(1), pdftopng(1), pdfimages(1), xpdfrc(5)

                                  28 May 2014                     pdftotext(1)
In [4]:
%load "C:\\Program Files\\Xpdf\\doc\\xpdfrc.txt"
In []:
xpdfrc(5)                                                            xpdfrc(5)

       xpdfrc - configuration file for Xpdf tools (version 3.04)

       All  of the Xpdf tools read a single configuration file.  If you have a
       .xpdfrc file in your home directory, it will  be  read.   Otherwise,  a
       system-wide configuration file will be read from /usr/local/etc/xpdfrc,
       if it exists.  (This  is  its  default  location;  depending  on  build
       options,  it  may  be  placed elsewhere.)  On Win32 systems, the xpdfrc
       file should be placed in the same directory as the executables.

       The xpdfrc file consists of a series of configuration options, one  per
       line.   Blank  lines  and  lines  starting  with  a  '#' (comments) are

       Arguments may be quoted, using  "double-quote"  characters,  e.g.,  for
       file names that contain spaces.

       The  following  sections  list all of the configuration options, sorted
       into functional groups.  There is an examples section at the end.

       include config-file
              Includes the specified config  file.   The  effect  of  this  is
              equivalent  to  inserting  the  contents of config-file directly
              into the parent config file in place  of  the  include  command.
              Config files can be nested arbitrarily deeply.

       nameToUnicode map-file
              Specifies  a  file with the mapping from character names to Uni-
              code.  This is used to handle PDF fonts that have  valid  encod-
              ings  but no ToUnicode entry.  Each line of a nameToUnicode file
              looks like this:

                   hex-string name

              The hex-string is the Unicode (UCS-2) character index, and  name
              is  the  corresponding  character  name.  Multiple nameToUnicode
              files can be used; if a character name is given more than  once,
              the  code in the last specified file is used.  There is a built-
              in default nameToUnicode table  with  all  of  Adobe's  standard
              character names.

       cidToUnicode registry-ordering map-file
              Specifies the file with the mapping from character collection to
              Unicode.  Each line of a cidToUnicode file represents one  char-


              The  hex-string is the Unicode (UCS-2) index for that character.
              The first line maps CID 0, the second line  CID  1,  etc.   File
              size  is  determined  by size of the character collection.  Only
              one file is allowed per character collection; the last specified
              file is used.  There are no built-in cidToUnicode mappings.

       unicodeToUnicode font-name-substring map-file
              This  is used to work around PDF fonts which have incorrect Uni-
              code information.  It specifies a file which maps from the given
              (incorrect)  Unicode  indexes  to the correct ones.  The mapping
              will be used for any font  whose  name  contains  font-name-sub-
              string.   Each  line  of  a unicodeToUnicode file represents one
              Unicode character:

                  in-hex out-hex1 out-hex2 ...

              The in-hex field is an input (incorrect) Unicode index, and  the
              rest  of  the  fields  are  one or more output (correct) Unicode
              indexes.  Each occurrence of in-hex will  be  converted  to  the
              specified output sequence.

       unicodeMap encoding-name map-file
              Specifies  the  file with mapping from Unicode to encoding-name.
              These encodings are used for text output (see below).  Each line
              of  a  unicodeMap file represents a range of one or more Unicode
              characters which maps linearly to a range in the  output  encod-

                   in-start-hex in-end-hex out-start-hex

              Entries for single characters can be abbreviated to:

                   in-hex out-hex

              The  in-start-hex  and  in-end-hex  fields (or the single in-hex
              field) specify the Unicode range.  The out-start-hex  field  (or
              the  out-hex  field)  specifies the start of the output encoding
              range.  The length of  the  out-start-hex  (or  out-hex)  string
              determines the length of the output characters (e.g., UTF-8 uses
              different numbers of bytes to represent characters in  different
              ranges).   Entries  must  be  given in increasing Unicode order.
              Only one file is allowed per encoding; the last  specified  file
              is  used.   The Latin1, ASCII7, Symbol, ZapfDingbats, UTF-8, and
              UCS-2 encodings are predefined.

       cMapDir registry-ordering dir
              Specifies a search  directory,  dir,  for  CMaps  for  the  reg-
              istry-ordering  character  collection.   There  can  be multiple
              directories for a particular collection.  There are  no  default
              CMap directories.

       toUnicodeDir dir
              Specifies  a  search directory, dir, for ToUnicode CMaps.  There
              can be multiple ToUnicode directories.   There  are  no  default
              ToUnicode directories.

       fontFile PDF-font-name font-file
              Maps  a  PDF font, PDF-font-name, to a font for display or Post-
              Script output.  The  font  file,  font-file,  can  be  any  type
              allowed  in  a  PDF file.  This command can be used for 8-bit or
              16-bit (CID) fonts.

       fontDir dir
              Specifies a search directory for font files.  There can be  mul-
              tiple fontDir commands; all of the specified directories will be
              searched in order.  The font files can be Type 1 (.pfa or  .pfb)
              or TrueType (.ttf or .ttc); other files in the directory will be
              ignored.  The font file name (not including the extension)  must
              exactly  match  the  PDF font name.  This search is performed if
              the font name doesn't match any of the fonts declared  with  the
              fontFile command.  There are no default fontDir directories.

       fontFileCC registry-ordering font-file
              Maps  the  registry-ordering  character collection to a font for
              display or PostScript output.  This mapping is used if the  font
              name  doesn't match any of the fonts declared with the fontFile,
              fontDir, psResidentFont16, or psResidentFontCC commands.

       psFontPassthrough yes | no
              If set to "yes", pass 8-bit font names through to the PostScript
              output  without  substitution.   Fonts which are not embedded in
              the PDF file are expected to be available on the printer.   This
              defaults to "no".

       psResidentFont PDF-font-name PS-font-name
              When the 8-bit font PDF-font-name is used (without embedding) in
              a PDF file,  it  will  be  translated  to  the  PostScript  font
              PS-font-name,  which  is  assumed to be resident in the printer.
              Typically, PDF-font-name and  PS-font-name  are  the  same.   By
              default, only the Base-14 fonts are assumed to be resident.

       psResidentFont16 PDF-font-name wMode PS-font-name encoding
              When the 16-bit (CID) font PDF-font-name with writing mode wMode
              is used (without embedding) in a PDF file, it will be translated
              to  the  PostScript  font  PS-font-name, which is assumbed to be
              resident in the printer.  The writing mode must  be  either  'H'
              for  horizontal  or  'V'  for  vertical.   The  resident font is
              assumed to use the specified  encoding  (which  must  have  been
              defined with the unicodeMap command).

       psResidentFontCC registry-ordering wMode PS-font-name encoding
              When  a  16-bit (CID) font using the registry-ordering character
              collection and wMode writing mode is used (without embedding) in
              a  PDF  file,  the PostScript font, PS-font-name, is substituted
              for it.  The substituted font is assumbed to be resident in  the
              printer.   The writing mode must be either 'H' for horizontal or
              'V' for vertical.  The resident font is assumed to use the spec-
              ified encoding (which must have been defined with the unicodeMap

       psEmbedType1Fonts yes | no
              If set to "no", prevents embedding of Type 1 fonts in  generated
              PostScript.  This defaults to "yes".

       psEmbedTrueTypeFonts yes | no
              If  set  to "no", prevents embedding of TrueType fonts in gener-
              ated PostScript.  This defaults to "yes".

       psEmbedCIDTrueTypeFonts yes | no
              If set to "no", prevents embedding of CID TrueType fonts in gen-
              erated PostScript.  For Level 3 PostScript, this generates a CID
              font, for lower levels it generates a  non-CID  composite  font.
              This defaults to "yes".

       psEmbedCIDPostScriptFonts yes | no
              If  set  to  "no", prevents embedding of CID PostScript fonts in
              generated PostScript.  For Level 3 PostScript, this generates  a
              CID  font,  for  lower  levels  it generates a non-CID composite
              font.  This defaults to "yes".

       psPaperSize width(pts) height(pts)
              Sets the paper size for PostScript output.  The width and height
              parameters  give  the paper size in PostScript points (1 point =
              1/72 inch).

       psPaperSize letter | legal | A4 | A3 | match
              Sets the paper size for PostScript output to  a  standard  size.
              The  default  paper size is set when xpdf and pdftops are built,
              typically to "letter" or "A4".  This can also be set to "match",
              which will set the paper size to match the size specified in the
              PDF file.

       psImageableArea llx lly urx ury
              Sets the imageable area for PostScript output.  The  four  inte-
              gers  are the coordinates of the lower-left and upper-right cor-
              ners of the imageable region, specified in points (with the ori-
              gin being the lower-left corner of the paper).  This defaults to
              the full paper size;  the  psPaperSize  option  will  reset  the
              imageable area coordinates.

       psCrop yes | no
              If  set  to  "yes",  PostScript output is cropped to the CropBox
              specified in the PDF file; otherwise no cropping is done.   This
              defaults to "yes".

       psUseCropBoxAsPage yes | no
              If  set  to  "yes",  PostScript output treats the CropBox as the
              page size.  By default, this is "no", and the MediaBox  is  used
              as the page size.

       psExpandSmaller yes | no
              If set to "yes", PDF pages smaller than the PostScript imageable
              area are expanded to fill the  imageable  area.   Otherwise,  no
              scalling is done on smaller pages.  This defaults to "no".

       psShrinkLarger yes | no
              If  set  to  yes, PDF pages larger than the PostScript imageable
              area are shrunk to fit the imageable area.  Otherwise, no  scal-
              ing is done on larger pages.  This defaults to "yes".

       psCenter yes | no
              If  set  to yes, PDF pages smaller than the PostScript imageable
              area (after any scaling) are centered  in  the  imageable  area.
              Otherwise,  they  are  aligned  at  the lower-left corner of the
              imageable area.  This defaults to "yes".

       psDuplex yes | no
              If set to "yes", the generated PostScript will set the  "Duplex"
              pagedevice  entry.  This tells duplex-capable printers to enable
              duplexing.  This defaults to "no".

       psLevel level1 | level1sep | level2 | level2sep | level3 | level3Sep
              Sets  the  PostScript  level  to  generate.   This  defaults  to

       psPreload yes | no
              If  set  to "yes", PDF forms are converted to PS procedures, and
              image data is preloaded.  This uses more  memory  in  the  Post-
              Script interpreter, but generates significantly smaller PS files
              in situations where, e.g., the same image is drawn on every page
              of a long document.  This defaults to "no".

       psOPI yes | no
              If  set  to  "yes",  generates  PostScript  OPI comments for all
              images and forms which have OPI  information.   This  option  is
              only available if the Xpdf tools were compiled with OPI support.
              This defaults to "no".

       psASCIIHex yes | no
              If set to "yes", the ASCIIHexEncode filter will be used  instead
              of ASCII85Encode for binary data.  This defaults to "no".

       psLZW yes | no
              If  set to "yes", the LZWEncode filter will be used for lossless
              compression in PostScript output; if set to "no", the RunLength-
              Encode  filter  will be used instead.  LZW generates better com-
              pression (smaller PS files), but may not be  supported  by  some
              printers.  This defaults to "yes".

       psUncompressPreloadedImages yes | no
              If  set  to  "yes", all preloaded images in PS files will uncom-
              pressed.  If set to "no", the original compressed images will be
              used  when possible.  The "yes" setting is useful to work around
              certain buggy PostScript interpreters.  This defaults to "no".

       psMinLineWidth float
              Set the minimum line width, in points,  for  PostScript  output.
              The default value is 0 (no minimum).

       psRasterResolution float
              Set  the  resolution (in dpi) for rasterized pages in PostScript
              output.  (Pdftops will rasterize pages which use  transparency.)
              This defaults to 300.

       psRasterMono yes | no
              If set to "yes", rasterized pages in PS files will be monochrome
              (8-bit gray) instead of color.  This defaults to "no".

       psRasterSliceSize pixels
              When rasterizing pages, pdftops splits the page into  horizontal
              "slices",  to  limit memory usage.  This option sets the maximum
              slice size, in pixels.  This defaults to 20000000 (20 million).

       psAlwaysRasterize yes | no
              If set to "yes", all PostScript output will be rasterized.  This
              defaults to "no".

       psFile file-or-command
              Sets  the  default  PostScript  file  or print command for xpdf.
              Commands start with a '|' character; anything else  is  a  file.
              If  the  file name or command contains spaces it must be quoted.
              This defaults to unset, which tells xpdf to generate a  name  of
              the form <file>.ps for a PDF file <file>.pdf.

       fontDir dir
              See the description above, in the DISPLAY FONTS section.

       textEncoding encoding-name
              Sets the encoding to use for text output.  (This can be overrid-
              den with the "-enc" switch on the  command  line.)   The  encod-
              ing-name  must  be  defined  with  the  unicodeMap  command (see
              above).  This defaults to "Latin1".

       textEOL unix | dos | mac
              Sets the end-of-line convention to use  for  text  output.   The
              options are:

                  unix = LF
                  dos  = CR+LF
                  mac  = CR

              (This  can  be  overridden with the "-eol" switch on the command
              line.)  The default value is based on  the  OS  where  xpdf  and
              pdftotext were built.

       textPageBreaks yes | no
              If  set  to "yes", text extraction will insert page breaks (form
              feed characters) between pages.  This defaults to "yes".

       textKeepTinyChars yes | no
              If set to "yes", text extraction will keep all  characters.   If
              set  to  "no", text extraction will discard tiny (smaller than 3
              point) characters after  the  first  50000  per  page,  avoiding
              extremely slow run times for PDF files that use special fonts to
              do shading or cross-hatching.  This defaults to "yes".

       initialZoom percentage | page | width
              Sets the initial zoom factor.  A number specifies  a  zoom  per-
              centage,  where  100 means 72 dpi.  You may also specify 'page',
              to fit the page to the window size, or 'width', to fit the  page
              width to the window width.

       continuousView yes | no
              If  set to "yes", xpdf will start in continuous view mode, i.e.,
              with one vertical screoll bar  for  the  whole  document.   This
              defaults to "no".

       enableFreeType yes | no
              Enables  or  disables  use of FreeType (a TrueType / Type 1 font
              rasterizer).  This is only relevant if the Xpdf tools were built
              with  FreeType  support.   ("enableFreeType"  replaces  the  old
              "freetypeControl" option.)  This option defaults to "yes".

       enableFreeType yes | no
              Enables or disables use of FreeType (a TrueType /  Type  1  font
              rasterizer).  This is only relevant if the Xpdf tools were built
              with  FreeType  support.   ("enableFreeType"  replaces  the  old
              "freetypeControl" option.)  This option defaults to "yes".

       disableFreeTypeHinting yes | no
              If  this  is  set to "yes", FreeType hinting will be forced off.
              This option defaults to "no".

       antialias yes | no
              Enables or disables font anti-aliasing in  the  PDF  rasterizer.
              This option affects all font rasterizers.  ("antialias" replaces
              the anti-aliasing control provided by the old "t1libControl" and
              "freetypeControl" options.)  This default to "yes".

       vectorAntialias yes | no
              Enables  or disables anti-aliasing of vector graphics in the PDF
              rasterizer.  This defaults to "yes".

       antialiasPrinting yes | no
              If  this  is  "yes",  bitmaps  sent  to  the  printer  will   be
              antialiased  (according to the "antialias" and "vectorAntialias"
              settings).  If  this  is  "no",  printed  bitmaps  will  not  be
              antialiased.  This defaults to "no".

       strokeAdjust yes | no
              Enables  or disables stroke adjustment.  Stroke adjustment moves
              horizontal and vertical lines by up to half a pixel to make them
              look  "cleaner"  when  vector  anti-aliasing  is  enabled.  This
              defaults to "yes".

       screenType dispersed | clustered | stochasticClustered
              Sets the halftone screen type, which will be used when  generat-
              ing  a  monochrome  (1-bit)  bitmap.  The three options are dis-
              persed-dot dithering, clustered-dot dithering (with a round  dot
              and   45-degree  screen  angle),  and  stochastic  clustered-dot
              dithering.  By default, "stochasticClustered" is used for  reso-
              lutions of 300 dpi and higher, and "dispersed" is used for reso-
              lutions lower then 300 dpi.

       screenSize integer
              Sets the size of the (square) halftone screen threshold  matrix.
              By  default, this is 4 for dispersed-dot dithering, 10 for clus-
              tered-dot  dithering,  and  100  for  stochastic   clustered-dot

       screenDotRadius integer
              Sets  the  halftone  screen  dot radius.  This is only used when
              screenType is set to stochasticClustered, and it defaults to  2.
              In  clustered-dot  mode,  the  dot  radius is half of the screen
              size.  Dispersed-dot dithering doesn't have a dot radius.

       screenGamma float
              Sets the halftone screen gamma correction parameter.  Gamma val-
              ues  greater  than 1 make the output brighter; gamma values less
              than 1 make it darker.  The default value is 1.

       screenBlackThreshold float
              When halftoning, all values below this threshold are  forced  to
              solid black.  This parameter is a floating point value between 0
              (black) and 1 (white).  The default value is 0.

       screenWhiteThreshold float
              When halftoning, all values above this threshold are  forced  to
              solid white.  This parameter is a floating point value between 0
              (black) and 1 (white).  The default value is 1.

       minLineWidth float
              Set the minimum line width, in device pixels.  This affects  the
              rasterizer  only,  not  the PostScript converter (except when it
              uses rasterization to handle transparency).  The  default  value
              is 0 (no minimum).

       drawAnnotations yes | no
              If  set  to "no", annotations will not be drawn or printed.  The
              default value is "yes".

       overprintPreview yes | no
              If set to "yes", generate overprint preview output, honoring the
              OP/op/OPM  settings  in the PDF file.  Ignored for non-CMYK out-
              put.  The default value is "no".

       launchCommand command
              Sets the command executed when  you  click  on  a  "launch"-type
              link.   The  intent  is  for  the command to be a program/script
              which determines the file type and runs the appropriate  viewer.
              The  command  line will consist of the file to be launched, fol-
              lowed by any parameters specified with the  link.   Do  not  use
              "%s"  in  "command".   By  default, this is unset, and Xpdf will
              simply try to execute the file (after prompting the user).

       urlCommand command
              Sets the command executed when you click on  a  URL  link.   The
              string  "%s"  will  be  replaced with the URL.  (See the example
              below.)  This has no default value.

       movieCommand command
              Sets the command executed when you click on a movie  annotation.
              The string "%s" will be replaced with the movie file name.  This
              has no default value.

       mapNumericCharNames yes | no
              If set to "yes", the Xpdf tools  will  attempt  to  map  various
              numeric character names sometimes used in font subsets.  In some
              cases this leads to usable text, and in other cases it leads  to
              gibberish -- there is no way for Xpdf to tell.  This defaults to

       mapUnknownCharNames yes | no
              If set to "yes", and mapNumericCharNames is  set  to  "no",  the
              Xpdf  tools  will  apply  a simple pass-through mapping (Unicode
              index = character code) for all unrecognized glyph names.   (For
              CID  fonts, setting mapNumericCharNames to "no" is unnecessary.)
              In some cases, this leads to usable text, and in other cases  it
              leads  to  gibberish  -- there is no way for Xpdf to tell.  This
              defaults to "no".

       mapExtTrueTypeFontsViaUnicode yes | no
              When rasterizing text using an external TrueType font, there are
              two  options  for  handling character codes.  If mapExtTrueType-
              FontsViaUnicode is set to "yes", Xpdf will use the  font  encod-
              ing/ToUnicode  info  to map character codes to Unicode, and then
              use the font's Unicode cmap to map Unicode to GIDs.  If  mapExt-
              TrueTypeFontsViaUnicode  is  set  to  "no", Xpdf will assume the
              character codes are GIDs (i.e., use an identity mapping).   This
              defaults to "yes".

       enableXFA yes | no
              If  set  to  "yes", an XFA form (if present) will be rendered in
              place of an AcroForm.  If "no", an XFA form will never  be  ren-
              dered.  This defaults to "yes".

       bind modifiers-key context command ...
              Add  a  key  or  mouse button binding.  Modifiers can be zero or
              more of:


              Key can be a regular ASCII character, or any one of:

                  left / right / up / down        (arrow keys)
                  f1 .. f35                       (function keys)
                  mousePress1 .. mousePress7      (mouse buttons)
                  mouseRelease1 .. mouseRelease7  (mouse buttons)

              Context is either "any" or a comma-separated combination of:

                  fullScreen / window       (full screen mode on/off)
                  continuous / singlePage   (continuous mode on/off)
                  overLink / offLink        (mouse over link or not)
                  scrLockOn / scrLockOff    (scroll lock on/off)

              The context string can include only one  of  each  pair  in  the
              above list.

              Command  is  an  Xpdf  command  (see the COMMANDS section of the
              xpdf(1) man page for details).  Multiple commands are  separated
              by whitespace.

              The  bind  command replaces any existing binding, but only if it
              was defined for the exact same modifiers, key, and context.  All
              tokens (modifiers, key, context, commands) are case-sensitive.

              Example key bindings:

                  # bind ctrl-a in any context to the nextPage
                  # command
                  bind ctrl-a any nextPage

                  # bind uppercase B, when in continuous mode
                  # with scroll lock on, to the reload command
                  # followed by the prevPage command
                  bind B continuous,scrLockOn reload prevPage

              See the xpdf(1) man page for more examples.

       unbind modifiers-key context
              Removes  a  key binding established with the bind command.  This
              is most useful to remove default key bindings before  establish-
              ing  new  ones  (e.g.,  if  the default key binding is given for
              "any" context, and you want to create new key bindings for  mul-
              tiple contexts).

       printCommands yes | no
              If  set  to  "yes", drawing commands are printed as they're exe-
              cuted (useful for debugging).  This defaults to "no".

       errQuiet yes | no
              If set to "yes", this suppresses all error and warning  messages
              from all of the Xpdf tools.  This defaults to "no".

       The following is a sample xpdfrc file.

       # from the Thai support package
       nameToUnicode /usr/local/share/xpdf/Thai.nameToUnicode

       # from the Japanese support package
       cidToUnicode Adobe-Japan1 /usr/local/share/xpdf/Adobe-Japan1.cidToUnicode
       unicodeMap   JISX0208     /usr/local/share/xpdf/JISX0208.unicodeMap
       cMapDir      Adobe-Japan1 /usr/local/share/xpdf/cmap/Adobe-Japan1

       # use the Base-14 Type 1 fonts from ghostscript
       fontFile Times-Roman           /usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/n021003l.pfb
       fontFile Times-Italic          /usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/n021023l.pfb
       fontFile Times-Bold            /usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/n021004l.pfb
       fontFile Times-BoldItalic      /usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/n021024l.pfb
       fontFile Helvetica             /usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/n019003l.pfb
       fontFile Helvetica-Oblique     /usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/n019023l.pfb
       fontFile Helvetica-Bold        /usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/n019004l.pfb
       fontFile Helvetica-BoldOblique /usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/n019024l.pfb
       fontFile Courier               /usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/n022003l.pfb
       fontFile Courier-Oblique       /usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/n022023l.pfb
       fontFile Courier-Bold          /usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/n022004l.pfb
       fontFile Courier-BoldOblique   /usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/n022024l.pfb
       fontFile Symbol                /usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/s050000l.pfb
       fontFile ZapfDingbats          /usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/d050000l.pfb

       # use the Bakoma Type 1 fonts
       # (this assumes they happen to be installed in /usr/local/fonts/bakoma)
       fontDir /usr/local/fonts/bakoma

       # set some PostScript options
       psPaperSize          letter
       psDuplex             no
       psLevel              level2
       psEmbedType1Fonts    yes
       psEmbedTrueTypeFonts yes
       psFile               "| lpr -Pprinter5"

       # assume that the PostScript printer has the Univers and
       # Univers-Bold fonts
       psResidentFont Univers      Univers
       psResidentFont Univers-Bold Univers-Bold

       # set the text output options
       textEncoding UTF-8
       textEOL      unix

       # misc options
       enableFreeType  yes
       launchCommand   viewer-script
       urlCommand      "netscape -remote 'openURL(%s)'"

              This  is  the default location for the system-wide configuration
              file.  Depending on build options, it may be placed elsewhere.

              This is the user's configuration file.  If it exists, it will be
              read in place of the system-wide file.

       The  Xpdf  software  and  documentation are copyright 1996-2014 Glyph &
       Cog, LLC.

       xpdf(1),  pdftops(1),  pdftotext(1),  pdftohtml(1),  pdfinfo(1),   pdf-
       fonts(1), pdfdetach(1), pdftoppm(1), pdftopng(1), pdfimages(1)

                                  28 May 2014                        xpdfrc(5)

%load "C:\Program Files\Xpdf\doc\xpdf.txt" #not for Windows

In []:
xpdf(1)                                                                xpdf(1)

       xpdf - Portable Document Format (PDF) file viewer for X (version 3.04)

       xpdf [options] [PDF-file [page | +dest]]

       Xpdf  is a viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF) files.  (These are
       also sometimes also called 'Acrobat' files, from the  name  of  Adobe's
       PDF  software.)   Xpdf runs under the X Window System on UNIX, VMS, and

       To run xpdf, simply type:

              xpdf file.pdf

       where file.pdf is your PDF file.  The file name can be  followed  by  a
       number specifying the page which should be displayed first, e.g.:

              xpdf file.pdf 18

       You  can  also  give a named destination, prefixed with '+' in place of
       the page number.  (This is only useful  with  PDF  files  that  provide
       named destination targets.)

       You can also start xpdf without opening any files:


       Xpdf reads a configuration file at startup.  It first tries to find the
       user's private config file, ~/.xpdfrc.  If that doesn't exist, it looks
       for  a  system-wide  config  file, typically /usr/local/etc/xpdfrc (but
       this location can be changed when xpdf is built).   See  the  xpdfrc(5)
       man page for details.

       Many  of  the following options can be set with configuration file com-
       mands or X resources.  These are listed in  square  brackets  with  the
       description of the corresponding command line option.

       -g geometry
              Set the initial window geometry.  (-geometry is equivalent.)  [X
              resource: xpdf.geometry]

       -title title
              Set the window title.  By default,  the  title  will  be  "xpdf:
              foo.pdf".  [X resource: xpdf.title]

       -cmap  Install  a private colormap.  This is ignored on TrueColor visu-
              als.  [X resource: xpdf.installCmap]

       -rgb number
              Set the size of largest RGB cube xpdf will try to allocate.  The
              default is 5 (for a 5x5x5 cube); set to a smaller number to con-
              serve color table entries.  This is ignored  with  private  col-
              ormaps and on TrueColor visuals.  [X resource: xpdf.rgbCubeSize]

       -rv    Set  reverse video mode.  This reverses the colors of everything
              except images.  It may not always produce great results for  PDF
              files  which  do  weird things with color.  This also causes the
              paper color to default to black.   [X  resource:  xpdf.reverseV-

       -papercolor color
              Set the "paper color", i.e., the background of the page display.
              This will not work too well with PDF files that do  things  like
              filling in white behind the text.  [X resource: xpdf.paperColor]

       -mattecolor color
              Set the matte color, i.e., the color used for background outside
              the  actual  page  area.   (There   is   a   separate   setting,
              xpdf.fullScreenMatteColor,  for full-screen mode.)  [X resource:

       -z zoom
              Set the initial zoom factor.  A number specifies a zoom percent-
              age,  where  100  means 72 dpi.  You may also specify 'page', to
              fit the page to the window size, or 'width',  to  fit  the  page
              width  to  the  window  width.   [config file: initialZoom; or X
              resource: xpdf.initialZoom]

       -cont  Start in continuous view mode, i.e., with  one  vertical  scroll
              bar for the whole document.  [config file: continuousView]

       -freetype yes | no
              Enable  or  disable  FreeType  (a TrueType / Type 1 font raster-
              izer).  This defaults to "yes".  [config file: enableFreeType]

       -aa yes | no
              Enable or disable font anti-aliasing.  This defaults  to  "yes".
              [config file: antialias]

       -aaVector yes | no
              Enable or disable vector anti-aliasing.  This defaults to "yes".
              [config file: vectorAntialias]

       -ps PS-file
              Set the default file name for PostScript output (i.e., the  name
              which will appear in the print dialog).  This can also be of the
              form '|command' to pipe the PostScript through a command.  [con-
              fig file: psFile]

       -paper size
              Set  the  paper size to one of "letter", "legal", "A4", or "A3".
              This can also be set to "match", which will set the  paper  size
              to  match  the  size  specified  in the PDF file.  [config file:

       -paperw size
              Set the paper width, in points.  [config file: psPaperSize]

       -paperh size
              Set the paper height, in points.  [config file: psPaperSize]

              Generate Level 1 PostScript.   The  resulting  PostScript  files
              will  be significantly larger (if they contain images), but will
              print on Level 1 printers.  This also  converts  all  images  to
              black and white.  [config file: psLevel]

       -enc encoding-name
              Sets  the  encoding  to  use for text output.  The encoding-name
              must be defined with the  unicodeMap  command  (see  xpdfrc(5)).
              This defaults to "Latin1" (which is a built-in encoding).  [con-
              fig file: textEncoding]

       -eol unix | dos | mac
              Sets the end-of-line convention to use for text output.  [config
              file: textEOL]

       -opw password
              Specify  the  owner  password  for the PDF file.  Providing this
              will bypass all security restrictions.

       -upw password
              Specify the user password for the PDF file.

              Open xpdf in full-screen mode, useful for presentations.

       -remote name
              Start/contact xpdf remote server with specified  name  (see  the
              REMOTE SERVER MODE section below).

       -exec command
              Execute  a  command  (see the COMMANDS section below) in an xpdf
              remote server window (with -remote only).

              Reload xpdf remote server window (with -remote only).

       -raise Raise xpdf remote server window (with -remote only).

       -quit  Kill xpdf remote server (with -remote only).

       -cmd   Print commands  as  they're  executed  (useful  for  debugging).
              [config file: printCommands]

       -q     Don't print any messages or errors.  [config file: errQuiet]

       -cfg config-file
              Read config-file in place of ~/.xpdfrc or the system-wide config

       -v     Print copyright and version information.

       -h     Print usage information.  (-help and --help are equivalent.)

       Several other standard X options and resources will work as expected:

       -display display
              [X resource: xpdf.display]

       -fg color
              (-foreground is equivalent.)  [X resource: xpdf*Foreground]

       -bg color
              (-background is equivalent.)  [X resource: xpdf*Background]

       -font font
              (-fn is equivalent.)  [X resource: xpdf*fontList]

       The color and font options only affect the user interface elements, not
       the PDF display (the 'paper').

       The following X resources do not have command line option equivalents:

              Enables (if set to true) or disables (if set to false) the tool-
              tips on the toolbar buttons.

              Sets the matte color  to  be  used  in  full-screen  mode.   The
              default setting is "black".

   On-screen controls, at the bottom of the xpdf window
       left/right arrow buttons
              Move to the previous/next page.

       double left/right arrow buttons
              Move backward or forward by ten pages.

       dashed left/right arrow buttons
              Move backward or forward along the history path.

       'Page' entry box
              Move  to  a  specific page number.  Click in the box to activate
              it, type the page number, then hit return.

       zoom popup menu
              Change the zoom factor (see the description  of  the  -z  option

       binoculars button
              Find a text string.

       print button
              Bring  up a dialog for generating a PostScript file.  The dialog
              has options to set the pages to be printed  and  the  PostScript
              file name.  The file name can be '-' for stdout or '|command' to
              pipe the PostScript through a command, e.g., '|lpr'.

       '?' button
              Bring up the 'about xpdf' window.

       link info
              The space between the '?' and 'Quit' buttons is used to show the
              URL or external file name when the mouse is over a link.

       'Quit' button
              Quit xpdf.

       Pressing the right mouse button will post a popup menu with the follow-
       ing commands:

              Open a new PDF file via a file requester.

       Open in new window...
              Create a new  window  and  open  a  new  PDF  file  via  a  file

       Reload Reload  the  current  PDF  file.  Note that Xpdf will reload the
              file automatically (on a  page  change  or  redraw)  if  it  has
              changed since it was last loaded.

       Save as...
              Save the current file via a file requester.

       Continuous view
              Toggles between single page and continuous view modes.

       Rotate counterclockwise
              Rotate the page 90 degrees counterclockwise.

       Rotate clockwise
              Rotate  the  page 90 degrees clockwise.  The two rotate commands
              are intended primarily for PDF files where  the  rotation  isn't
              correctly specified in the file.

       Zoom to selection
              Zoom in to the currently selected rectangle.

       Close  Close  the current window.  If this is the only open window, the
              document is closed, but the window is left open (i.e., this menu
              command won't quit xpdf).

       Quit   Quit xpdf.

       If  the  PDF  contains an outline (a.k.a., bookmarks), there will be an
       outline pane on the left side of the window.  The width of the  outline
       pane is adjustable with a vertical split bar via the knob near its bot-
       tom end.

   Text selection
       Dragging the mouse with the left button held  down  will  highlight  an
       arbitrary  rectangle.  Any text inside this rectangle will be copied to
       the X selection buffer.

       Clicking on a hyperlink will jump to the link's destination.  A link to
       another  PDF  document  will  make xpdf load that document.  A 'launch'
       link to an executable program will display a dialog, and if  you  click
       'ok', execute the program.  URL links call an external command (see the
       WEB BROWSERS section below).

       Dragging the mouse with the middle button held down pans the window.

   Key bindings
       o      Open a new PDF file via a file requester.

       r      Reload the current PDF file.  Note that  Xpdf  will  reload  the
              file  automatically  (on  a  page  change  or  redraw) if it has
              changed since it was last loaded.

              Redraw the current page.

              Close the current window.

       f or control-F
              Find a text string.

              Find next occurrence.


       n      Move to the next page.  Scrolls to the top of the  page,  unless
              scroll lock is turned on.

       p      Move  to  the  previous  page.   Scrolls to the top of the page,
              unless scroll lock is turned on.

       <Space> or <PageDown> or <Next>
              Scroll down on the current page; if already at bottom,  move  to
              next page.

       <Backspace> or <Delete> or <PageUp> or <Previous>
              Scroll up on the current page; if already at top, move to previ-
              ous page.

       v      Move forward along the history path.

       b      Move backward along the history path.

       <Home> Scroll to top of current page.

       <End>  Scroll to bottom of current page.

              Scroll to first page of document.

              Scroll to last page of document.

       arrows Scroll the current page.

       g      Activate the page number text field ("goto page").

       0      Set the zoom factor to 125%.

       +      Zoom in (increment the zoom factor by 1).

       -      Zoom out (decrement the zoom factor by 1).

       z      Set the zoom factor to 'page' (fit page to window).

       w      Set the zoom factor to 'width' (fit page width to window).

       alt-F  Toggle full-screen mode.

       q      Quit xpdf.

       If you want to run xpdf automatically  from  netscape  or  mosaic  (and
       probably  other  browsers)  when you click on a link to a PDF file, you
       need to edit (or create) the files .mime.types  and  .mailcap  in  your
       home directory.  In .mime.types add the line:

              application/pdf pdf

       In .mailcap add the lines:

              # Use xpdf to view PDF files.
              application/pdf; xpdf -q %s
       Make sure that xpdf is on your executable search path.

       When  you click on a URL link in a PDF file, xpdf will execute the com-
       mand specified by the  urlCommand  config  file  option,  replacing  an
       occurrence  of  '%s'  with the URL.  For example, to call netscape with
       the URL, add this line to your config file:

              urlCommand "netscape -remote 'openURL(%s)'"

       Xpdf's key and mouse bindings are user-configurable, using the bind and
       unbind  options  in  the config file (see xpdfrc(5)).  The bind command
       allows you to bind a key or mouse button to a sequence of one  or  more

   Available Commands
       The following commands are supported:

              Go to the specified page.

              Go to the specified page, with the current relative scroll posi-

              Go to a named destination.

              Go to the last page in the PDF file.

              Go to the last page in the PDF file, with the  current  relative
              scroll position.

              Go to the next page.

              Go to the next page, with the current relative scroll position.

              Go to the previous page.

              Go  to the previous page, with the current relative scroll posi-

       pageUp Scroll up by one screenful.

              Scroll down by one screenful.

              Scroll left by n pixels.

              Scroll right by n pixels.

              Scroll up by n pixels.

              Scroll down by n pixels.

              Scroll up by n pixels, moving to the previous page if  appropri-

              Scroll down by n pixels, moving to the next page if appropriate.

              Scroll  to  the top edge of the current page, with no horizontal

              Scroll to the bottom edge of the current page, with no  horizon-
              tal movement.

              Scroll  to  the  left edge of the current page, with no vertical

              Scroll to the right edge of the current page, with  no  vertical

              Scroll to the top-left corner of the current page.

              Scroll to the bottom-right corner of the current page.

              Move forward along the history path.

              Move backward along the history path.

              Set the zoom factor to z%.

              Set the zoom factor to fit-page.

              Set the zoom factor to fit-width.

       zoomIn Zoom in - go to the next higher zoom factor.

              Zoom out - go the next lower zoom factor.

              Rotate the page 90 degrees clockwise.

              Rotate the page 90 degrees counterclockwise.

              Set  the selection to the specified coordinates on the specified

              Go to continuous view mode.

              Go to single-page view mode.

              Toggle between continuous and single page view modes.

              Go to full-screen mode.

              Go to window (non-full-screen) mode.

              Toggle between full-screen and window modes.

       open   Open a PDF file in this window, using the open dialog.

              Open a PDF file in a new window, using the open dialog.

              Open a specified PDF file in this window.

              Open a specified PDF file in a new window.

              Open a specified PDF file in this window and go to a named  des-

              Open a specified PDF file in a new window and go to a named des-

       reload Reload the current PDF file.

       redraw Redraw the window.

       raise  Raise the window to the front.

              Close the window.  If this was the last open window,  clear  the
              window, but don't quit from Xpdf.

              Close  the  window.  If this was the last open window, quit from

              Run an external command.  The following escapes are  allowed  in
              the command string:

                  %f => PDF file name (or an empty string if no
                        file is open)
                  %b => PDF file base name, i.e., file name minus
                        the extension (or an empty string if no
                        file is open)
                  %u => link URL (or an empty string if not over
                        a URL link)
                  %p => current page number (or an empty string if
                        no file is open)
                  %x => selection upper-left x coordinate
                        (or 0 if there is no selection)
                  %y => selection upper-left y coordinate
                        (or 0 if there is no selection)
                  %X => selection lower-right x coordinate
                        (or 0 if there is no selection)
                  %Y => selection lower-right y coordinate
                        (or 0 if there is no selection)
                  %i => page containing the mouse pointer
                  %j => x coordinate of the mouse pointer
                  %k => y coordinate of the mouse pointer
                  %% => %

              The  external  command  string will often contain spaces, so the
              whole command must be quoted in the xpdfrc file:

                  bind x "run(ls -l)"

              Open the outline pane.

              Close the outline pane.

              Toggle the outline pane between open and closed.

              Scroll the outline down by n increments.

              Scroll the outline up by n increments.

              Set the keyboard focus to the main document window.

              Set the keyboard focus to the page number text box.

       find   Open the 'find' dialog.

              Finds the next occurrence of the search string (no dialog).

       print  Open the 'print' dialog.

       about  Open the 'about' dialog.

       quit   Quit from xpdf.

       The following commands depend on the current mouse position:

              Start a selection, which will be extended as the mouse moves.

              End a selection.

              Start a pan, which will scroll the document as the mouse moves

       endPan End a pan.

              Display the popup menu.

              Follow a hyperlink (does nothing if the  mouse  is  not  over  a

              Follow  a  hyperlink,  opening  PDF  files in a new window (does
              nothing if the mouse is not over a link).  For links to  non-PDF
              files, this command is identical to followLink.

              Same  as  followLink,  but  does nothing if there is a non-empty
              selection.  (This is useful as a mouse button binding.)

              Same as followLinkInNewWin, but does nothing if there is a  non-
              empty selection.  (This is useful as a mouse button binding.)

   Default Bindings
       The default mouse bindings are as follows:

           bind mousePress1    any         startSelection
           bind mouseRelease1  any         endSelection followLinkNoSel
           bind mousePress2    any         startPan
           bind mouseRelease2  any         endPan
           bind mousePress3    any         postPopupMenu
           bind mousePress4    any         scrollUpPrevPage(16)
           bind mousePress5    any         scrollDownNextPage(16)
           bind mousePress6    any         scrollLeft(16)
           bind mousePress7    any         scrollRight(16)

       The default key bindings are as follows:

           bind ctrl-home      any         gotoPage(1)
           bind home           any         scrollToTopLeft
           bind ctrl-end       any         gotoLastPage
           bind end            any         scrollToBottomRight
           bind pgup           any         pageUp
           bind backspace      any         pageUp
           bind delete         any         pageUp
           bind pgdn           any         pageDown
           bind space          any         pageDown
           bind left           any         scrollLeft(16)
           bind right          any         scrollRight(16)
           bind up             any         scrollUp(16)
           bind down           any         scrollDown(16)
           bind o              any         open
           bind O              any         open
           bind r              any         reload
           bind R              any         reload
           bind f              any         find
           bind F              any         find
           bind ctrl-f         any         find
           bind ctrl-g         any         findNext
           bind ctrl-p         any         print
           bind n              scrLockOff  nextPage
           bind N              scrLockOff  nextPage
           bind n              scrLockOn   nextPageNoScroll
           bind N              scrLockOn   nextPageNoScroll
           bind p              scrLockOff  prevPage
           bind P              scrLockOff  prevPage
           bind p              scrLockOn   prevPageNoScroll
           bind P              scrLockOn   prevPageNoScroll
           bind v              any         goForward
           bind b              any         goBackward
           bind g              any         focusToPageNum
           bind 0              any         zoomPercent(125)
           bind +              any         zoomIn
           bind -              any         zoomOut
           bind z              any         zoomFitPage
           bind w              any         zoomFitWidth
           bind alt-f          any         toggleFullScreenMode
           bind ctrl-l         any         redraw
           bind ctrl-w         any         closeWindowOrQuit
           bind ?              any         about
           bind q              any         quit
           bind Q              any         quit

       Previous  versions  of  xpdf  included a "viKeys" X resource.  It is no
       longer available, but the following bindings are equivalent:

           bind h any scrollLeft(16)
           bind l any scrollRight(16)
           bind k any scrollUp(16)
           bind j any scrollDown(16)

       Xpdf can be started in remote server mode by specifying a  server  name
       (in addition to the file name and page number).  For example:

              xpdf -remote myServer file.pdf

       If  there  is  currently  no  xpdf running in server mode with the name
       'myServer', a new xpdf window will be opened.  If another command:

              xpdf -remote myServer another.pdf 9

       is issued, a new copy of xpdf will not be started.  Instead, the  first
       xpdf  (the server) will load another.pdf and display page nine.  If the
       file name is the same:

              xpdf -remote myServer another.pdf 4

       the xpdf server will simply display the specified page.

       The -raise option tells the server to raise its window; it can be spec-
       ified with or without a file name and page number.

       The -quit option tells the server to close its window and exit.

       The Xpdf tools use the following exit codes:

       0      No error.

       1      Error opening a PDF file.

       2      Error opening an output file.

       3      Error related to PDF permissions.

       99     Other error.

       The  xpdf  software  and  documentation are copyright 1996-2014 Glyph &
       Cog, LLC.

       pdftops(1), pdftotext(1), pdftohtml(1), pdfinfo(1), pdffonts(1), pdfde-
       tach(1), pdftoppm(1), pdftopng(1), pdfimages(1), xpdfrc(5)

                                  28 May 2014                          xpdf(1)
In []:

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