Как осуществляется инкапсуляция, когда HTML страничка "длинная"? Её, естественно разбивают на фрагменты, каждый из фрагментов затем запихивают в область данных TCP контейнера. Здесь короткие видеоролике о том, как построить график длительностей загрузок
Мои замечания о том, как контейнеры HTTP располагаются в контенейрах TCP¶
Как осуществляется инкапсуляция, когда HTML страничка "длинная"? Её, естественно разбивают на фрагменты, каждый из фрагментов затем запихивают в область данных TCP контейнера.
Таким образом, заголовок HTML вместе с началом старницы размещается в первом TCP пакете, а во втором TCP контейнере сразу после заголока размещаются байты второго фрагманта HTML.
Все вроде бы логично..., но как отследить время загрузки последнего фрагмента? В Wireshark для этого предусмотрены свои фирменные "Time stamps" (покруче, чем в стандрте), но это еще не все.
Существует опция "Allow subdissector to reassemble TCP streams" - она включена по умолчанию. Когда приходит последний фрагмент HTTP, то из всех предыдущих пакетов TCP выбираются HTTP фрагменты и из них собирается вся HTML страница (или другой файл, который был внутри контейнеров HTTP.
Таким образом, заголовок HTML вместе с началом старницы размещается в первом TCP пакете, а во втором TCP контейнере сразу после заголока размещаются байты второго фрагманта HTML.
Все вроде бы логично..., но как отследить время загрузки последнего фрагмента? В Wireshark для этого предусмотрены свои фирменные "Time stamps" (покруче, чем в стандрте), но это еще не все.
Существует опция "Allow subdissector to reassemble TCP streams" - она включена по умолчанию. Когда приходит последний фрагмент HTTP, то из всех предыдущих пакетов TCP выбираются HTTP фрагменты и из них собирается вся HTML страница (или другой файл, который был внутри контейнеров HTTP.
Я повторил упражнение из первого видео, стало ясно, что правильнее оперировать "искуственным" HTTP ответом (при включенной опции). Ниже результаты моих экспериментов:
In []:
# При отключенном реассемблинге мы видим в 56 фрейме
Request in frame: 54
HTTP response 1/1
Time since request: 0.048213000 seconds
In []:
# При отключенном реассемблинге мы видим в 87 фрейме
Request in frame: 54
HTTP response 1/1
Time since request: 0.138645000 seconds
Поначалу я отфильтровал данные по потоку tcp.stream == 5 (Этот поток соответствовал загрузке одной страницы proglive.ru) и посмотрел в последнем сегменте время tcp.time_delta, то оказалось, что весь поток "проистекал" около 10 секунд.
Оказалось, что 9 секунд ушло на паузы при закрытии соединения.
Так что оперировать длительностями TCP процессов надо осторожно...
Оказалось, что 9 секунд ушло на паузы при закрытии соединения.
Так что оперировать длительностями TCP процессов надо осторожно...
Wireshark Tip 3: Graph HTTP Response Times¶
Опубликовано: 20 июля 2013 г. When troubleshooting HTTP communications, first you need to properly set the TCP Preferences (see Tip 1), then consider adding a column for http.time and then graphing this value.
http.time tcp.time_delta
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0:01hi this is Laura Chappell and this is where shark tips three
0:05now if you wanna follow along with the where shark tip series you can follow me
0:08on twitter
0:09at work chapel in this tip I'm gonna show you how to graph
0:14HTTP dot time that's HTTP response time
0:18which is a new feature that came out with Wireshark 1.2 10
0:21so open up a trace file called HTTP down schwere shark download dot P cap
0:28Angie and you can see in the strays found we have a GET request
0:32to to download the page called
0:35download on HTML now if he didn't look back it took number one you might want
0:40to do that because I'm gonna change the setting for TCP
0:42I actually want to see the response code right here in the packet in which
0:47actually occurs rather than way down here
0:50the response code is actually right here in frame number six here
0:53I can actually see it down the packet bites pain to make that change I'm going
0:57to select the TCP header
0:59right mouse click protocol preferences and
1:02and check allow some Thai sector to reassemble TCP streams
1:06now we can see
1:10the response code in the infocomm so here's the new field came out with
1:14Wireshark one-dot
1:1510 and you can find the new field where and you expand the
1:20HTTP header section in the detail window
1:23Sosa go down to the bottom we will see
1:26HTTP response 1 of 1 and fear is our
1:30HTTP time field and you can see when you highlight that line that
1:34down on the status bar where schork tells us the display filter syntax
1:37and display filters are what we use in our graphs
1:41so I'll be using that to graph my HTTP response
1:45times we can also
1:49right mouse click on that line and add it as a column which is a great thing to
1:52do for HTTP analysis
1:54all right mouse click and choose apply as column
1:58and now I have a new column that says time since request
2:03I can click on it twice to sort from high to low
2:07and then go to the top up the list to see the highest response codes and we
2:11can see that there are some
2:12pretty bad response times I mean I would expect to see times faster than this
2:17202 almost 203 milliseconds
2:21just for the server to come back and say okay
2:24when I made a request for a simple get file so now I'm going to build a graph
2:31that will show me where I have spikes in the HTTP response times
2:35got to statistics and I O Graph
2:39and of course the default I O Graph is to show us all of the traffic and I
2:43really don't care about that something to turn off graph
2:46number one in graph number two
2:49I will simply enter in the filter HTTP got
2:52time and then turn on that graph
2:55and this shows me that there's a spike in time right up towards the beginning
3:00at the trace file I can move that
3:06down a little bit out of the way and we can also apply this
3:10to other trace files and and remember that this is summarized for the one
3:14second interval so we may wanna move in just a little further
3:17to see a more granular you up response time delays
3:21so here we can see we have a number of delays
3:25that are showing up at the beginning of the streets fun than four seconds into
3:28the trace file
3:29we start seeing some more delays I'm going to leave this graph window open
3:34don't close the I O Graph window when you move from trees found
3:38trace file where triple automatically recreate this graph based on the next
3:42race value open
3:43so open up trees for the day know has got some
3:47pretty serious delays the trace file is called
3:51HTTP docs Facebook and this is one of the trees files that you can get from
3:56the Wireshark book dot com website
3:58so here is
4:02and I can already see in my time since request column I've got a pretty high
4:06number here
4:07I'm in a toggle over to my graph and then looking through the graph I can't
4:12see the point where I have
4:14some higher delays in this crap and we can see that supply the graph to
4:20HTTP docs Facebook top
4:23Capen G
4:26remember you can always sort any column that you add so if I go to the top
4:30I can see this packet right here I'm frame number eleven
4:35up I didn't meet with that money that Bachmann my source com
4:39frame number eleven shows up with a tremendously high delay here 3.4 seconds
4:44before the server turned around and said 200 okay
4:49let me give you a warning here on graphing this information
4:54when I first started showing you this
4:58this process in Wireshark I mention I set my
5:02TCP reassembly of
5:06we take you to that first race father had opened HTTP
5:09dash Wireshark download
5:15and we can see in the strays father Cincinnati cock there's the GET request
5:18there's the ac
5:19and there's the 200 okay notice the time diet a little over forty four
5:27I will turn on that TCP reassembly selling
5:31which is the default for Wireshark and bring it down a little bit circus
5:37up there so go back to the default setting in Wireshark to allow some
5:42reassemble TCP streams
5:46now this will change the results that I get in my graphs
5:50so it's important that you turn off that setting if the setting is on this is
5:54what I see
5:55I'll see the GET request I'll see the AAC
5:58and then I see TCP segment ever reassembled protocol data unit or PTO
6:03this is actually the packet that contains the 200 okay
6:06that's the packet that contains my response code though my 200 response
6:11and that's the packet that I would like to have time stamped as the response
6:16but instead because I have reassembly enables here I can see that
6:20Wireshark shows me TCP segment reassembled protocol data unit keep
6:24going keep going
6:24accurately and then the last packet the download for that item
6:29that page is the one that is time stamped
6:32so that would give me and artificially high
6:36TC her HTTP response time
6:39if I left that setting that way so make sure when you're analyzing HTTP traffic
6:45that you have your TCP preference setting
6:49for allow some die Sektor to reassemble to be streams
6:53of and that will give you and accurate
6:56HTTP round trip time
6:59if you'd like to follow along with this where shark to series as I release the
7:03on Twitter you can follow me outdoor chapel
7:07for more Wireshark tips and training the chapel you dot com
Wireshark Tip 1: TCP Reassembly Setting¶
In [1]:
from IPython.display import Image
Опубликовано: 20 июля 2013 г.
Tired of seeing [TCP Segment of a Reassembled PDU] on your HTTP traffic? .
Change this one TCP setting to view the true HTTP Response Codes in your Info column.
This will speed up your troubleshooting process and provide a more accurate view of HTTP traffic.
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0:01hi this is Laura Chappell and I'd like to provide you with an example of how to
0:05use Wireshark to number one that I tweeted
0:07now if you wanna stay up on the Wireshark tip series:
0:10you can follow me at Laura Chappell worshipped at number one
0:15is to turn of the TCP preference
0:19for reassembly when you're working with HTTP
0:22this way you could see the response code in the correct packet
0:26let me take you out to a trace Fallon show you
0:30why you want to implement this tip I've opened a basic trace file
0:36where i have a web browsing session taking place I can see a DNS query for
0:41a record in ipv4 address and response and then a DNS Cherie for an
0:46AAA a record or an ipv6 address and
0:49response coming back there's my TCP handshake
0:53and there's by get request for the main page after you make a GET request to an
0:58HTTP Server
0:59you should get a numerical code back and hopefully will be a two hundred
1:04indicating that everything's okay
1:05but with this default configuration
1:09white shark is not showing me the 200
1:12okay even though I know that that value is sitting in packet number nine
1:17if I scroll down in the packet bites pain
1:20here we can see exactly what's being sent down to us
1:25and we can see that two hundred okay right at the top where it says
1:29to there's the 00 next line okay
1:32but I'd like to be able to see this in my infocomm
1:35I certainly don't have to go back all the time to my packet bites paint see
1:39so we're going to change the TCP
1:42reassembly setting if
1:46the packet has a response code in it and there's
1:49data piggybacked on that response code by default my shirt will put up this
1:54line that says
1:55TCP segment ever reassembled PD you or protocol data unit
1:59I don't wanna see that I wanna see the response code right there
2:03in the packet in which contained there are two ways of changing the setting
2:08there's the long way Anders the quick short way
2:12so the long way would be to click on the
2:15edit preferences but numb upon the main toolbar but I want you to get used to
2:19using Wireshark in the most efficient way possible
2:21so instead of using edit preferences button let's go ahead and just select a
2:27TCP header
2:28in the packet details pane and then right mouse click on that her
2:32this will bring up window it
2:35are a menu that expands and we can see that there's a line says protocol
2:39this is the setting that I want to disable
2:43allow someday sector to reassemble TCP streams
2:46in the background I a packet number nine highlighted
2:50and I want you to pay attention to that packet because this is going to change
2:53in just a moment
2:54I will I'm check that setting
2:57and now packet number nine shows me money
3:01response code this is great because I can also sort the info column to put all
3:06the response codes together and it's pretty easy to see that
3:09yes a lot 404 in there I'll sort back on the original
3:13order again so why would you not want to change that setting
3:18well if you work with reassembly
3:21in other words you want to reassemble all the objects that were transferred
3:25using HTTP
3:26if you left Wireshark and its
3:29default allowing the reassembly then
3:33when you want to select File export objects and HTTP
3:38you would see that my shark would reassemble
3:42all love these identical file names into a single line
3:47allowing you to save them separately honestly
3:50that's not a feature that I do a lot with Wireshark I think they're better
3:54tools out there for doing free assembly
3:56such as maybe
3:59network minor that's just not wear shorts strong point but if you do want
4:04to use that file
4:05export objects HTTP
4:09you'll need to turn that setting back on
4:14you can keep up with the wear short tips that I'm releasing on Twitter
4:17if you follow me at at or chapel for more Wireshark training and tips
4:23you can visit chapel you dot com
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